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Image by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙

A Good Place to Start

If you are reading this, you may have doubts about Christianity, Jesus, the Bible and God. Perhaps you have heard that the Bible isn't true or you've met people who called themselves Christians that didn't seem very loving. 

Here's the deal. You can know the truth for yourself. Have you ever heard the term, "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"? It means, just because you have doubts or questions, doesn't mean you should automatically just throw Christianity out.

Below is a slide show I hope you will read through. Please read all the way to the end. Before you do that, I challenge you to ask God to show you the truth. Simple as that. Then read with a mind and heart open.

(If you prefer to download a pdf, click the link below the slideshow.)

God has a story that is true and not what people make up. God is the beginning of our history!

Need Prayer?

Please reach out. We'd be happy to pray with and for you to step into whatever Next Steps God is calling you to!

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