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We look at the chaos around us and wonder, 'What is next?!' The world feels like sinking sand beneath our feet. But there is a sure and firm foundation. Are we standing on that foundation? Are we prepared for the storms ahead or are we in danger of being washed away in the tide of turmoil?

Image by Ben White

The most important area for us to prepare is spiritually. In Matt 25, Jesus calls it getting oil in our lamps. This comes from consecrating our lives to our Savior. There are steps we can take daily to get oil in our lamps and prepare for the times ahead and any challenges we may face in this life.

Image by Clique Images

Physical preparation is also important as we prepare to meet the trails and tribulations that come our way in this life. They don't have to knock us down and out but we do need to step out of our comfort zones and align ourselves with God's will and plan for our lives. 

Image by Aaron Burden

It is all well and good to prepare ourselves and meet the challenges ahead. But what about our children, spouse, parents, siblings and extended family? If they haven't surrendered their lives to Jesus, they are in great danger. What can we do?

Christian Living

God's Voice vs Devil's Voice

Only three people get to talk to us in the theater of our minds...Us, God, the devil. Make sure you are listening to the right voice!

Fear Eats the Soul

Fear is one of the biggest ways the enemy works to get us off track. But it isn't how we are supposed to live as children of God. Freedom is possible in Him!

More Than I'm Sorry

We all know there is a big difference between saying I'm sorry and actually meaning it. Learn the four steps of repentance here.

Personalize the Scriptures

God's Word does not return is a powerful and effective weapon against the enemy. And it is meant for us!

Forgiveness is a Choice

Forgiveness isn't easy but it is a command of the Lord...that we forgive as we have been forgiven. Learn how to start the process!

Let Trials Do Their Job

Trials, challenges and difficult things are inevitable in this world. We can either endure or let them do an important job in strengthening and maturing us.

Sharing Your Faith

Who Me?

I'm pretty sure sharing the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ is for evangelists and pastors and stuff, right?

Don't Go Unprepared!

There are definitely a few prerequisites to cover before jumping out there to share the Gospel with those around you.

Just Open Your Mouth

We don't have to be perfect or have all the right formulas to share the love of Jesus with those around us...Just say yes!

A Few Resources for Growth

The Bible is our #1 book but here are a few favorites that have touched us:

The Hell Conspiracy by Laurie Ditto (My Father's Reputation)

Outrageous Courage by Kris Vallotton

Follow the Healer by Stephen Seamands

Always Enough by Rolland & Heidi Baker

Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson

Do Hard Things by Alex & Brett Harris (for teens)

God's Foretold Work

Tikkun Global

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